The “Big Health Scare”
I have alluded to this but I haven’t talked about it. The truth of the matter is that I am both terrified and ashamed. I have these grandiose ideas to go travel the country and throw caution to the wind – and I am a…
I was you once. I read this kinda crap on the internet and closed my eyes. Man what must it be like to be totally free in an RV…. Well honestly the purpose of this Blog above all else is to do just that and…
Yeah, so THAT happened
One of the things you never really want to forget out here on the road is just how dangerous it really is. I mean 4 wheeling it drunk down the highway is one thing but here in my world I mean being drunk? LMAO. NO…
Must Have Apps
So since I can’t sleep. Par for the course lately – I am gonna talk a bit about a few of my fav apps. We all have some! Unique as a finger print…. well I have a 128GB iPhone and a plethora of them….
I may not have done a fantastic job of posting, and I am going to work on that. But I HAVE been living full time RV now for just over a year. I am on my second coach already, you may have noticed the header…
kickin’ it in Tennessee
So, I have not done a very good job of this.. If you follow my FB page you know allot has happened since the last Blog Post. If you don’t, then I encourage you to do so because a year in now I feel like…
Nancy So this weeks Blog post takes us back in time again – to the fall of 2018. I have to go back and write about the past because it’s important (at least to me) that people can see the beginnings. I fancy myself as…
Blog Relaunch: Well here it is the “big reveal” what has all this been leading up to? The relaunch of the blog? The story of driving south in a camper that by all accounts should never have made it out of NY? Higher powers, guardian…